Advancing Women in
Space Exploration

Women in Space Exploration (WiSE) is a SPROS project that aims to assist women and girls all over the world in unlocking their access to space technology, education and professions. Traditionally, space has been a male-dominated field where women make up less than 20 percent of the workforce. This disparity exists in most STEM fields and at all levels and responsibilities, and it is especially reflected at higher echelons and in leadership positions. It is now more important than ever to inspire girls and women to break down the barriers to pursue STEM education and explore opportunities and careers in the space sector.

I don’t know why I always liked aerospace engineering. I was in the 10th grade when I figured that’s what I wanted to do.

Kalpana Chawla

The equitable participation of women is necessary to realize the potential of space technology. To achieve this goal we are undertaking various initiatives.

Coordinators of Change

Building a global network of leaders and coordinators to engage and educate young girls from all regions of the world about space technology and exploration.

Technological Excellence

Providing university students with the opportunity to perfect their space engineering skills through platforms like International Rover Challenge and IPAS Challenge.

Research Mentorship

Providing young girls and women with opportunities for research mentorship and guidance through the Research in Space Exploration (RiSE) program.

Partnering for Change

Collaborating with other organisations to advocate the inclusion and advancement of women in science and technology fields.

Contribute to WiSE activities

Are you someone who wants to contribute towards building a diverse and inclusive space community by promoting equitable participation of women and girls?

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